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HomeEntertainmentHundreds Of Cane-Wielding Demonstrators Pull Governor Into Kickline To Protest Broadway Shutdown

Hundreds Of Cane-Wielding Demonstrators Pull Governor Into Kickline To Protest Broadway Shutdown

ALBANY, NY—Expressing outrage that the theater district would remain closed at least through next May, cane-wielding, top-hatted demonstrators pulled New York governor Andrew Cuomo into a kickline Friday to protest the Broadway shutdown. “Step-ball-change, step-ball-change,” chanted the scores of protestors dressed in sequined tuxedos and tails, beginning in a stage whisper before growing louder and louder as they jazz squared around the governor and pulled him into a full-on dance number. “What do we want? Broadway open! When do we want it? In a-one-and-a-two-and-a-three!” At press time, Cuomo had briefly escaped the crowd before protestors lifted him above their heads and spun him in the air for the grand finale.

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