Tuesday, July 23, 2024
HomePoliticsSenators Overjoyed By Chihuahua Jumping Through Hoops During Impeachment Intermission

Senators Overjoyed By Chihuahua Jumping Through Hoops During Impeachment Intermission

WASHINGTON—Cheering as the small, brown chihuahua triumphantly jumped through hoops placed throughout the Capitol chamber, senators were reportedly overjoyed Thursday when traveling act “The Amazing Nacho & Friends” performed acrobatics stunts during the impeachment intermission. The show, which took place after Senator Patrick Leahy called for a short 30-minute recess, reportedly began as the lights dimmed, pump-up music played, and the trainer and her 9-pound dogs triumphantly donned capes and rode scooters out to a series of platforms at the center of the gallery. According to witnesses, Democrats and Republicans could be spotted laughing and recording videos on their phones while Nacho then performed a series of tricks where he balanced on balls, caught high-flying Frisbees, and even jumped on top of Senator Chuck Schumer’s head to retrieve a treat. At press time, the pro tempore could be heard banging his gavel to restart the impeachment proceedings after Nacho became distracted, lunged from his owner, and started biting and humping the legs of several lawmakers.

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